October Glory Maple

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Acer rubrum 'October Glory'

The shiny foliage of October Glory turns brilliant orange to red in the fall. It retains its leaves until late fall.

The shapely head is an outstanding characteristic of this Red Maple cultivar. Dense, rounded form. Medium, green, glossy foliage brilliant red in fall. Colors change with weather conditions.

Holds leaves late for extended color.

*Seldom Damaged by Deer*

Photo courtesy of Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Specimen or Shade Tree
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 30' - 50'
Spread 40' + 
Shape Upright, oval to rounded
Primary Foliage Color Dark Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Bold Orange & Red Autumn Foliage
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Insignificant
Berries Winged seeds
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average: Ensure Planting Area Provides Adequate Drainage
Cold Hardiness Zone 4  to 8