Higgins Muscadine Grape (female)

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Vitis rotundifolia 'Higgins'

Pink to reddish-bronze fruit size, very large; clusters, very large; skin thick, edible; quality, good when fully ripe; production, heavy to over productive; ripens late.             * Staff Favorite *          

Requires a Pollinator. Cowart may be a good pollinator choice. 

Good flavor, but low sugar content. Perfect for those watching sugar intake

*Deer May Browse

Photo courtesy of Bottoms Nursery in Concord, GA & Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC
Ornamental Characteristics
Category Fruit Vine
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 2' - 4'
Spread 1' - 4'
Shape Climbing
Primary Foliage Color Light Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Sheds its leaves during the colder months
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color
Berries Bronze (Juicy & Delicious)
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average: Ensure the planting area is prepared for good drainage.  Poor drainage areas may result in 'root rot'.
Cold Hardiness Zone 7 - 10