Elliott Pecan (Type II)

Elliott Pecan (Type II)

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Carya illinoinensis 'Elliott'

Protogynous - Type II Mid-season pollen shed and early pistillate receptirity. Slow to bear and not a heavy producer but excellent quality nuts.

Note: It takes Type I and Type II to cross pollinate. Should bear in 7-10 yrs after planting.                    

 *Deer May Browse

Photo courtesy of Texas Pecan Nursery, Chandler TX 

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Nut tree
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 30' - 50'
Spread 40' +
Shape Tree-form
Primary Foliage Color Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Sheds its leaves durning colder months
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color
Nuts Excellent Quality Nuts
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Slow
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average: Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage.
Cold Hardiness Zone 6 - 9