Georgia Blue Speedwell

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Veronica penduncularis 'Georgia Blue'

The small, dark green leaves have a hue of purple through the Summer and turn bronzy-purple in the Winter.  Georgia Blue has a showy flower display in early Spring lasting 4+ weeks.

The flowers are blue with a white eye.  Veronica 'Georgia Blue' creeps and covers quickly and once established it is drought resistant.   Georgia Blue is a good ground cover and can be used for slopes, borders/beds, rock gardens, edging walls, and containers.  

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Perennial, herbaceous
Foliage Type Evergreen
Height 4"-6"


Shape Clump-forming
Primary foliage Color Dark Green with Purple Hue
Seasonal foliage Color Bronzy Purple
Flowering Season Summer
Flower Color Blue
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Fast
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Dry: ensure planting area provides adequate drainage
Cold Hardiness Zone