Purpleleaf Wintercreeper 'Colorata Euonymus'

Purpleleaf Wintercreeper 'Colorata Euonymus'

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Euonymus fortunei 'Colorata'

Please call ahead to confirm availability. Colorata Euonymus, or Purpleleaf Wintercreeper, a trailing evergreen ground-cover that will add color to your winter landscape.

Glossy, deep-green foliage turns to plum-purple in fall and remains so through winter. Does well in either full sun or part shade.

Careful 'where' it's planted; it can become invasive.   *  Poisonous if eaten *

Photo courtesy of Classic Groundcovers in Athens, GA
Ornamental Characteristics
Category Perennial Ground-cover
Foliage Type Evergreen
Height 1' - 2'
Spread 2' - 4'
Shape Creeping & Spreading
Primary Foliage Color (Glossy) Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Burgundy
Flowering Season Noted for its interesting, spreading foliage
Flower Color Insignificant

Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences Moist (not wet - water as needed): Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage. 
Cold Hardiness Zone 4 to 8