Little Red Holly

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Ilex x 'Coned'

Little Red, the smallest of the red holly series trademarked by Mitch Magee of Evergreen Nursery, Poplarville, Miss., has dense, compact growth and shiny, dark-green foliage that can be trained as a pyramidal specimen plant.

It can perform well as a full-size foundation shrub (which would need to stay clipped back under any windows), or a medium-sized hedge. 

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Shrub
Foliage Type Broadleaf Evergreen
Height 6' - 10'
Spread 6'
Shape Pyramidal
Primary Foliage Color Glossy Dark-Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Glossy Dark-Green
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Insignificant
Berries Red
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences AverageWater as needed/ Plant in Well - drained soil
Cold Hardiness Zone 7