Monroe's White Liriope

Monroe's White Liriope

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Liriope muscari 'Monroe's White' 

A classic liriope with stunning white panicles symmetrically arrayed over narrow, strap-like foliage. Flowers in late summer or early fall followed by shiny black berries. Requires shade.

* Deer & Drought Resistant *                                                                                              Attracts: Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and Song Birds

Photo credit: Rebecca Armstrong                                                  

Photo courtesy of The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College     for more information, you are encouraged to visit

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Ground-cover or Ornamental Grass
Foliage Type Evergreen
Height 1'
Spread 1'
Shape Upright
Primary Foliage Color Dark Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Dark Green
Flowering Season Summer
Flower Color White
Berries Black
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Fast
Sun Preferences Sun to Shade
Water Preferences Average
Cold Hardiness Zone  5 to 9