Christmas Fern

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Polystichum acrostichoides

The Christmas Fern is a very hardy evergreen that will tolerate a range of growing conditions including dry shade and even some sun if soil is adequately moist.      

If you are looking add texture in your garden, then this addition may be the one you have been searching for!   The Christmas fern boasts rich, green lance-shaped leaflets that form in dense clusters. 

Photo courtesy of Riverbed Nursery, Riner VA & Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Tuberous Perennial - bulb, rhizome, etc.
Foliage Type Evergreen
Height 2' - 3'
Spread 1' - 4'
Shape Clump-forming
Primary Foliage Color Dark Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Dark Green

Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Full or dappled shade
Water Preferences Moist (not wet): Ensure planning area provides adequate drainage. 
Cold Hardiness Zone 3 to 9