Java Red Weigela

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Weigela florida 'Java Red'

Vigorous growing shrub with sweet pink, dainty, Bell-shaped flowers. The blooms open from very dark red buds in late Spring & early Summer.     Attracts Beneficial Pollinators

The foliage of this Weigela is a bonus: purple tinted leaves.

Fun fact: Weigela was named for a C.E. Weigel (1748-1831), a German Professor.

Photo courtesy of J.Robbins, Toms Creek Nursery & Landscaping in Denton, North Carolina
Ornamental Characteristics
Category Flowering Shrub
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 4' - 6'
Spread 4' - 8'
Shape Upright Spreading
Primary Foliage Color Green w/Purple tint
Seasonal Foliage Color Sheds its leaves in Autumn
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Red (tubular shape - hummingbirds love it)
Pollinator Friendly
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Fast
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average - Prepare planting area for adequate drainage. Poor drainage results in root rot. 
Cold Hardiness Zone 7