Japanese Boxleaf Honeysuckle (Yunnan)

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Lonicera nitida

An evergreen shrub, rather low, though sometimes to 6 ' with slender branches. Leaves small, thick, glossy oval to rounded, 1/4" - 1/2" long.

White fragrant flowers in the Spring. Bluish purple fruit in late summer. Distinguished by its small, glossy leaves. Has the appearance of a Cotoneaster.

*Deer Resistant*

Photos courtesy of Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Evergreen Shrub
Foliage Type Semi-evergreen
Height 4' - 6'
Spread 4' - 8'
Shape Mounding
Primary Foliage Color (Small & Glossy) Green
Seasonal foliage Color ( Small & Glossy) Green
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color White     -   Produces purple berries
Location Holly Hill
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Slow
Sun Preferences Full Sun and Partial Shade
Water Preferences Average - Prepare planting area for adequate drainage. Poor drainage results in root rot. 
Cold Hardiness Zone 7