Chinese Redbud

Chinese Redbud

Regular price $150.00 Sale

Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'Cercis

Chinese redbud is native to woodlands, thickets, and slopes in central to southern China. This tree will grow to 8-15' tall.  It can be a densely branched, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree.  

Clusters of tiny, rose-purple, pea-like flowers bloom profusely on the stems and branches for 2-3 weeks in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges. Rounded, leathery, heart-shaped green leaves (to 5" long) are attractive during the growing season. 

Photo courtesy of Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC (336) 857-2131

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Large shrub, small tree
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 10-12 ft.
Spread 10-12 ft.
Shape Oval
Primary foliage Color Green
Seasonal foliage Color Yellow - Fall
Flowering Season Early spring
Flower Color Rose-purple
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Sun with afternoon shade
Water Preferences Well-drained soil
Cold Hardiness Zone 6-9