Lime Glow Barberry

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Berberis thunbergii 'Lime Glow'

Lime Glow is an alternative to 'Rose Glow' Barberry. Its chartreuse foliage has enough green pigment in it to resist the leaf burn that can plague yellow-leafed varieties. Attractive all season long. Excellent fall color.

* Rarely Damaged by Deer *

 Photo courtesy of Toms Creek Farm & Nursery in Farmer, North Carolina

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Shrub
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 4' - 6'
Spread 4' - 8'
Shape Mounding
Primary Foliage Color Light Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Bronze to Crimson
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Insignificant

Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Slow
Sun Preferences Full sun
Water Preferences Average: Ensure planting area is prepared for good drainage. Standing water will result in root rot = death for your plant.
Cold Hardiness Zone 4 to 8