Kleim's Hardy Gardenia

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy

The Kleim's Hardy is a beauty with dark green foliage and a starfish-shaped frame that holds the bright white petals of every flower. Popular for entryways and patios, these gardenias provide a refreshing fragrance and are low maintenance. Basking in the sun during cooler temperatures and partial shade during warmer temperatures, the Kleim's Hardy will bloom year after year with just little tender loving care. 

*Deer Resistant*  

Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, NC 

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Flowering Shrub
Foliage Type Evergreen
Height 2' - 3'
Spread 2' - 3'
Shape Mounding
Primary Foliage Color Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Green
Flowering Season Late Spring - Early Summer
Flower Color White

Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Slow
Sun Preferences Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences Average; Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage.  
Cold Hardiness Zone 7 to 11