Bosque Elm

Regular price $125.00 Sale

Ulmus parvifolia 'UPMTF'

This hybrid Bosque Elm offers an upright oval to round form .

 It has a puzzle-patterned exfoliating bark of a rich shade of gray mottled with orange-brown and green. Heat and drought tolerant. Works well in parking lots and other areas where space is confined.

*Deer Occasionally Browse*

(Pilot Propagation Underway 4-18-19 RH)
Ornamental Characteristics
Category Tree
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 30' - 50'
Spread 20' - 30'
Shape Upright, oval to round
Primary Foliage Color Green, medium
Seasonal Foliage Color Yellow
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Insignificant
Berries Inconspicuous
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average - Prepare planting area for adequate drainage. Poor drainage results in root rot. 
Cold Hardiness Zone 5 to 8