Munchkin Oakleaf Hydrangea

Munchkin Oakleaf Hydrangea

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Munchkin'  

Robust flower clusters that open white and age to pink, remaining upright even after heavy rain. Dark green, deeply lobed oak-like foliage which turns into a brilliant mahogany in fall. Compact and well-suited for smaller landscape. *Deer May Browse*

PRUNING THE OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA: This hydrangea doesn’t require a lot of pruning but it should be trimmed at least once a year to keep it looking in good condition. Less pruning is actually better when it comes to oakleaf hydrangeas.

WHEN TO PRUNE THE OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA: You can prune your oakleaf hydrangea from LATE WINTER to EARLY SPRING, although March tends to be the best time – particularly if you are trying to rejuvenate your hydrangea.

HOW TO PRUNE YOUR OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA: You should start by removing faded flowerheads in spring after the frost. Cut back the flowered stems to a strong pair of buds and take out any diseased shoots.

If your oakleaf hydrangea has grown too big for your liking, or is becoming too woody, cut it right back. Make cuts at the base of each branch where it meets the main stalk – making sure you step back to keep an eye on the overall shape and prune from all sides to keep it balanced. It will regrow in the summer with new branches and then flower right away too.

Frost damaged, diseased or dead branches are best cut as far back to the healthy part of the branch, or main stem, as possible.

You can always snip off the overblown flowers on your oakleaf hydrangea in autumn and winter - just don’t prune when frost is forecast.

Photos courtesy of Toms Creek Farm & Nursery in Farmer, North Carolina (336) 857-2131
Ornamental Characteristics
Category Flowering Shrub
Foliage Type Deciduous (Winter Dormant)
Height 2' - 4'
Spread 2' - 4'

Primary Foliage Color Dark Green
Seasonal Foliage Color Fiery Orange-red (Autumn Glory)
Flowering Season Summer
Flower Color White ages to Pink
Low Maintenance Yes
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences Moist (not standing water): Ensure Planting area provides adequate drainage.
Cold Hardiness Zone 5  to 9