American Beech

Regular price $250.00 Sale

Fagus grandiflora

Slow growing, Steel gray smooth bark

Grown for LARGE SCALE LANDSCAPES. It is not suited to small areas.

Performs best in Full Sun but can grow in  Partial Shade.


Each burgundy leaf is 2-4" long in an elliptical shape. In the Autumn, the foliage shifts to a golden-bronze color.

The fruit is known as beechnut or mast. Each one consists of triangular nuts surrounded by a spiky cover. It is favored by many kinds of wildlife. It is not considered edible for humans.

Photos courtesy of Toms Creek Nursery in Denton, North Carolina (336) 857-2131

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Tree
Foliage Type Deciduous
Height 50' - 75'
Spread 30' - 50'
Shape Upright & Rounded
Primary Foliage Color Burgundy
Seasonal Foliage Color Bronze
Flowering Season Spring
Flower Color Insignificant
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Slow
Sun Preferences Full Sun - Pt. Shade
Water Preferences Moist (not wet): Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage.
Cold Hardiness Zone 4 to 9