Fry Muscadine Grape (female)

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Vitis rotundifolia 'Fry'

needs a pollinator, and produces golden yellow grapes in mid-September.

Very large fruit, up to 1-3/8 inch in diameter, skin bronze.

Quality very good before fully ripe. Sugar content 21%.

Ripens midseason Female (Pistillate)

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Fruiting Vine
Foliage Type Deciduous, Winter Dormant
Height 3' - 6'
Spread 15' - 20'
Shape Climbing
Primary Foliage Color Lush Green

Flowering Season Spring
Fruits Muscadine Grapes

Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Fast
Sun Preferences Full Sun
Water Preferences Average: Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage.
Cold Hardiness Zone 7