Pruning Frenzy

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Pruning Workshop at Toms Creek Farm & Nursery

Choose Your Workshop Day (10 am - 12 pm)

Thursday, Feb 8th
Friday, Feb 9th  
Saturday, Feb 10th  

Taught by 30-year veteran, Jim Carraher, BS Ornamental Horticulture, NC State University


Excellent class for Landscapers & Home Owners

You will learn:

  • Basic Pruning Techniques for Various types of Regular, Ornamental & Fruiting Shrubs, Trees & Vines
  • 'When' to Prune 'What'
  • The Right Tools for the Right Job
  • Correcting Mal-formed or Wrongly Pruned Specimens

The workshop lasts approx. 2 hours with Question & Answer Session


Got Areas of Concern? Snap a Photo & Bring it with You - after class is over - show Jim for Special Consultation

Course fee: $25 which includes our Pruning Guidelines Booklet