Solar Eclipse Heucherella

Solar Eclipse Heucherella

Regular price $14.00 Sale

Heucherella hybrid 'Solar Eclipse' PP23647

Tolerant to Heat & HumidityVigorous Grower

Heuchera (otherwise known as Coral Bells) are Native to North America.

Performs best planted in Partially Shaded Areas & has Adequate Soil Drainage. Apply Winter Mulch AFTER the Ground Freezes to Prevent Root Heaving.

*Deer & Rabbit Resistant*  Drought Tolerant (once established)

Photos courtesy of Toms Creek Farm & Nursery in Farmer, North Carolina & Our Growing Friends at Panoramic Wholesale Farm in Marshville,  North Carolina :) Thanks!

Ornamental Characteristics
Category Flowering Herbaceous Perennial
Foliage Type Semi-evergreen
Height 10 inches
Spread 16 inches
Shape Clump-forming
Emergent Foliage Color Red/brown scalloped leaves/bright lime-green edging
Changing Foliage Color
Flowering Season Summer
Flowers Creamy White, Dainty Little, Bell-shaped Blooms
Low Maintenance Yes
Environmental Characteristics
Growth Rate Moderate
Sun Preferences Sun to Partial Shade
Water Preferences Average: Ensure planting area provides adequate drainage. Planting Hole should be 2 x's as Wide but NO DEEPER than the container is tall. Amend the Planting Soil: 50% Native Soil + 50% Compost Mix. Add some Mulch Nuggets. 
Hardy Zones: 4 - 9